Sugar Could Be Toxic If Exceed 8 Spoons Day

Whatever type of sugar, if consumed in excess it can lead to various problems such as diabetes and obesity. Health experts even say, sugar is toxic if consumed can be called more than 8 teaspoons per day.

In the United States, many food manufacturers use High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) or corn sugar is more harmful than sugar or cane sugar. Unlike sugar which is sucrose, fructose sugar cane is a much simpler structure.

The simpler structure of the sugar, the more easily absorbed by the body so more quickly raise blood sugar levels. For people with diabetes that is difficult to process the sugar, the condition is very dangerous because it can lead to various complications, including heart problems.

Although safer than corn sugar, cane sugar or sugar remains more secure. Endocrinologist from the University of California, Dr. Robert Lustig says sugar in any form remains dangerous if consumed in excess.

"Sugar in the form of fructose and sucrose are both good and not harmful to health. Both are toxic to the body, "said Dr. Lustig as quoted by FoxNews, Tuesday (03/04/2011).

Even so, the U.S. sugar consumption actually increased in the last 30 years. Consequently, not only the number of obese people are increasing but also people with type 2 diabetes is mainly triggered by an unhealthy diet.

Moreover, some of them do not realize the kind of sugar is consumed. Various kinds of processed food in the country are still using corn sugar, while consumers rarely pay attention to the label contained in the packaging when bought.

Dr. Lustig says sugar consumption in any form should not exceed 8 teaspoon a day. Various types of chronic diseases commonly found in the United States because the people in the country on average consume 4 times more sugar than recommended.


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