Self-Healing with Nutrition from Nature

In fact, the human body was designed by God, the Creator of the extraordinary. The human body can restore damaged cells and fight viruses nuisance that can damage the system so that the body becomes less healthy or sick. Our bodies can do it (self-healing) if the cells in our body get the nutrients it highly enough. If our bodies are getting enough nutrition so your body will not be susceptible to disease.

Nutrition in the can from what we eat, if our food is good, it contains many nutrients needed by the body so the body will not lack nutrients, and automatically immune to rise. Many diseases are caused by diet or food that is bad for health, for example, you are happy to eat junk food (junk food) the levels of fat and calories much so that more people are becoming overweight or overweight. According to BBC News 73% of Americans are overweight and less healthy, while in Indonesia, the number of obese people is 35% of the 240 million population.

Some facts are sourced from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that 70% of deaths in the world are caused by diabetes, cancer, heart attack, and stroke. WHO also states that 50% of deaths mentioned previously closely associated with poor diet and lack of nutrition and 70% of visits to the doctor was also closely associated with poor diet and lack of nutrition.

Therefore, it is proper that we keep our bodies are not susceptible to disease especially now emerging diseases such as chikungunya, bird flu, hepatitis A, and so on. The easiest way that we are not attacked by the disease and frequent visits to the doctor is to give our body enough nutrition so that our immune increasing and regular diet. So eat foods that contain a lot of nutrients needed by the body in many. The nutrients you can get from around you, such as fruits and vegetables, which are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin, and so on. To feel healthy, so you definitely need to be healthy, to be healthy and eat foods that can provide the cells of your body to be healthy.


Cellfood - Liquid for Life
Cellfood merupakan suplemen yang menghasilkan nascent oksigen, hidrogen & mineral untuk meningkatkan energi, daya tahan dan kesehatan alami tubuh.

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