Today there are several products that provide solutions for people with diabetes and heredity diabetes. There are several efforts to tackle the disease, for example by taking a special sugar diabetics are low in calories.
Indeed, the effort to overcome the risk of diabetes and diabetic offspring. But from an economic point special sugar diabetics is not cheap. Maybe for the middleclass special sugar is not burdensome. What about those in the middle class down? Surely they think they will use the money to buy sugar is better used for other needs.
Actually, the descendants of diabetes can prevent such risks early on. And no need to spend money to buy a special kind of sugar consumption. And this effort is effective for diabetic offspring. Besides heredity, diabetes is also caused by excess sugar consumption. We can prevent the risk of diabetes with the antagonist.
So, against the habit of consuming excessive sugar. Instead we should not consume food or drinks that contain sugar. Glucose or sugar is very necessary as the energy our body, but if the excess amount can also be toxic to our bodies.
For descendants of diabetes, be aware that you are six times more prone to develop diabetes. In early prevention efforts, try not to consume too much sugar. Balance with meal high in fiber and exercise. Possible effective way to minimize the risk of diabetes.
And for them the descendants of diabetes who are addicted to consuming food or sugary drinks, do not worry. There is still an effort to reduce the consumption of sugar. This effort may also we call sugar therapy. Quite on the morning consume sugary drinks as energy for our bodies.
Indeed, if it is a habit of eating sweet foods or drinks can not easily be removed. It takes a process to be able to change the habit, so we have to run a routine and regular prevention is.
Proven way I did on my grandmother who has been in the verdict of the doctor suffering from diabetes, formerly can consume 6-7 cups of tea every day with a composition that is very sweet, and now only consume tea morning and evening with a composition not too sweet. In this process took about three months.
So, should not prevent diabetes with a special sugar. There are other ways very easily. What's wrong with trying to prevent, save costs, and also maintain the health of our bodies. Healthy begins with ourselves, there was a willingness of ourselves.