Secrets of Oldest Longevity Diabetes

San Diego, USA, Very rarely people with diabetes live long because in the course of his life patients often experience complications of other diseases. But a person with diabetes can live well until the age of 90 years. What is the secret longevity?

Bob Krause a grandfather who almost entered the age of 90, was crowned the oldest diabetic patients with the longest life in America. Because the grandfather who lives in San Diego, the U.S. has been 85 years of living with the deadly disease diabetes.

The secret of longevity is the grandfather he still regularly Krause insulin therapy without feeling bored or discouraged and really keep the food. Science 'know yourself' the old man made it is not exposed to complications of other diseases that commonly experienced by diabetics.

The temptation of food or life can be recklessly withheld by applying the discipline of life. For grandparents Krause, eating is for life and not for pleasure or just lust.

Bob Krause had type 1 diabetes since the age of 5 years. Diabetes Type 1 diabetes is an inherited disease or damage to the pancreas. Now he was almost stepped 90 years, that was 85 years Krause live with diabetes.

"Krause has lived longer than the life expectancy of a normal healthy person born in 1921. He knew that he had to deal with this disease and that he sees as part of his life, he does not let diabetes fail him, "Dr. Patricia Wu, Bob Krause treating doctor, as reported by FoxNews, Friday (23/09/2011).

About 3 million Americans live with type 1 diabetes, a chronic disease in which the body does not make enough insulin needed to convert blood sugar into energy, so it must depend on the lifetime of insulin injections. The exact cause is unknown, though genetics and autoimmune problems play a role.

In general, the life expectancy of people with diabetes is reduced a lot because they have a high risk of serious health complications, including heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney damage and amputations.

Before the discovery of insulin, a diabetes diagnosis was a death sentence with an expected survival of only a few years.

Krause was fortunate because it can be diagnosed with diabetes not long after the commercial production of insulin made and widely available. The incident took place in 1926 when he was 5 years old and living in Detroit.

Krause's brother also died because of diabetes. His life could not be saved after being diagnosed with diabetes because insulin is not yet available at that time. He was diagnosed with diabetes one year earlier than Krause.

"I watched Jackie (Krause's sister) died of starvation to death. Before there was insulin, diabetics would just die because eating does not make any difference. What you eat can not be changed and you are absolutely starving to death because the body can not absorb anything, "said Krause.

Krause began insulin therapy since the age of 6 years. At that time, people with diabetes should first boil glass syringes with long needles, sharpening edges and should begin when the needle is blunt.

Because remember how the mother after losing a child due to diabetes, Krause did not give up with diabetes. He underwent a strict diet by weighing every food she eats. He also inject insulin in the arms or legs at every meal.

Since 1978, Krause has relied on an insulin pump to adjust the dose to the stomach, though he enters the amount of the dose himself rather than have to rely on automated doses of insulin that pumps can give throughout the day.

"To keep diabetes under control you only eat the food you need before you do the activity. I eat to stay alive instead of eating all the time or for pleasure, "said Krause.

Krause now can not as active as it used to be, so there is plenty of food needed to fuel the body.

For breakfast every day, he eats a bowl and five prunes (purple colored fruits like grapes). Krause usually no lunch and a salad with some lean meat (lean meat) for dinner.

"I was surprised when they said that I was the oldest, because I know there are others out there. I certainly did not think I was the only one, "Krause said after receiving the medal.


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