Caution Retina Diabetes Epidemic

No one expects the loss of the ability to see. However, due to an unhealthy lifestyle and sedenter lifestyle (lack of exercise), diseases such as diabetes can not be avoided. Type this one was endemic throughout the world.

Diabetes is a problem a lot of people. Moreover, these diseases often cause complications that often trouble the sufferer. One of the complications that are often experienced by the emergence of diabetic retinopathy (a complication of diabetes on the retina), glaucoma and disorders of the central retina (macula), which can lead to vision impairment to blindness.

Dr Ian Yeo Yew San, an eye specialist who served as a consultant at the Singapore National Eye Centre is incorporated in a healthy tourist services, FlyFreeForHealth, said, "Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in the retina of the most common in adults, especially those working in developing countries."

As many as 80 percent of cases of blindness in humans should be avoided. Often, it is caused by complications of diabetes and other medical conditions. The longer affected by diabetes, the higher the possibility of getting damaged eye blood vessels.

"About 60% of patients had diabetes for 50 years or more will be damaged blood vessels in the eye, and one percent are at risk of blindness," Dr. Yeo.

According to the National Health Survey in 2004 in Singapore, 8.9% of men and 7.6% of women are affected by diabetes. Rate of diabetes in India is the highest number, ie 15.3%, Malaysia 11%, and China 7.1%. These statistics would be a guide for other Asian countries.

"Successful Treatment for diabetic retinopathy depends on early detection and the type of treatment," added Dr. Yeo


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