Soda Consumption Overload Causes Pancreatic Cancer

Excessive consumption of soda is not good for health. A recent study showed that people who drank two or more sodas a week have an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Researchers reveal the cause of the increased risk of pancreatic cancer in people who frequent consumption of soft drinks is due to the high sugar content. Analysis is data collected from 60,524 adults showed people who drank two or more soft drinks with high sugar levels in a week, are at greater risk of pancreatic cancer than those who rarely consume fizzy drinks.

But the researchers found no association between juice drinks with pancreatic cancer. This is because the levels of sugar in the juice is not as fizzy drinks. Given a 20-gram glucose drink as much soda contains 65 grams.

This study is the first conducted in Asia to see the contribution from soft drinks to pancreatic cancer. This is done because the lifestyle of Asia now tend to be similar to those of Europe and America.

Participants involved in the study ate two or more soft drinks a week. It is also seen other factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, consumption of high-calorie foods and physical activity. The findings of these studies adjusted for other factors associated with pancreatic cancer is the consumption of red meat.

"It was another adjustment does not alter the relationship between soda and pancreatic cancer risk. Therefore, we suspect the sugar in soft drinks as the culprit, "said Mark Pereira of the University of Minnesota's division of epidemiology and public health, as quoted by AFP on Tuesday (9/2/2010).

Soft drinks himself has played a role on the development of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hiperinsulemia (insulin levels in the blood exceeds the normal amount). Insulin is produced by the pancreas to help regulate blood sugar levels. High sugar content in soda affects insulin levels, so the researchers think it led to the growth of pancreatic cells that are not normal.

Pancreatic cancer is one cancer that is fatal to adults, at 5 percent of pancreatic cancer patients can not survive more than 5 years after diagnosis.

Because it could not hurt to reduce soda consumption, because many studies showing the dangers of consuming too much soda.


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