8 Signs Diabetes Rarely Known

Indicators of diabetes or diabetes are usually seen from symptoms related to blood sugar levels as much pee, drink lots and lots of eating. But there's more some indicators of diabetes are quite surprising.

Many people often do not realize that he had diabetes or diabetes mellitus, diabetes symptoms because sometimes unconsciously.

Reported by USNews, Monday (25/10/2010), the following 8 indicators of diabetes are not recognized and surprising:

1. Large breast size
According to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, women with bra sizes D or more at age 20 years, 5 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes (due to lifestyle). This is because breast size is a significant factor of body mass index (BMI).

2. Eyebrow color
When part of your body hair to gray but the color remains dark eyebrows, then you should immediately check blood glucose levels. This is because diabetes can hamper the process of hair graying eyebrows.

3. Month of birth
New research published in the American Diabetes Association, showed that the month of birth plays a role in the development of type 1 diabetes. The results showed that babies born in the spring are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes. The exact cause is unknown, but researchers suspect this is because the mother's diet or exposure to solar radiation.

4. Hearing loss
We recommend that you do not ignore the disturbances in the sense of hearing, because hearing loss has now been linked to diabetic complications. People with diabetes are 2 times more likely to experience hearing loss.

5. Short leg
Studies at Johns Hopkins University found that men with shorter legs were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than long-legged males. This does not mean that a high impact on the risk of diabetes, but the ratio of leg length. This finding suggests something deeper between the risk of diabetes and fetal development.

6. Tooth decay
According to the Harvard Schools of Public Health and Dental Medicine, people who have periodontal disease or tooth loss are at increased risk for diabetes. The study found that people who have lost teeth increases the risk of diabetes for both sexes by 14-29 percent, while periodontal disease is considered as a complication of diabetes.

7. Hair loss
Diabetic patients with atherosclerosis might also experience hair loss or thinning hair. This happens because there is thickening of the artery walls narrow throughout the body, including the skin. Narrow blood vessels mean less oxygen, which causes symptoms such as hair loss and skin shiny and thickened. Hair loss is not just limited to one particular area of ​​the body.

8. Exposure to pesticides
Based on the Agricultural Health Study, farmers are often exposed to pesticides may increase the risk of diabetes, given the long-term exposure to pesticides and herbicides have been found to increase the risk of diabetes.


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