10 Delicious Food for People with Diabetes

Who says diabetics can not eat anything? There are certain types of food that can be eaten without fear keep blood sugar shoots up. What are the food, find the answers here!

If you suffer from blood sugar disease or better known as diabetes, can be hard pressed to find any food that can be eaten. Afraid that the sugar content of these foods can increase blood sugar levels. There are several types of food remains safe for consumption by diabetics, without having to suffer the taste.

Here is a 10 'super food' for those who have problems with diabetes:

1. Vegetable
All types of vegetables have low calories and high in fiber. Because of the high fiber content, makes your stomach feel full faster, thereby reducing the consumption of rice is quite high sugar content. If you feel less full because the rice used, you can replace starchy vegetables, such as potatoes or corn.

2. Fruits
Fruits have many advantages together with vegetables. The majority of the fruit contains fiber and low in fat and low in calories compared to other foods. Fruits contain natural sugars that will not make your blood sugar shot up. But there are some types of fruit are good for consumption by diabetics, that all kinds of berries. In addition because it is not too sweet, kind of berry-berry also contains antioxidants that are good for the body.

Grains such as soybeans, peas, not only as a source of fiber which makes you feel full longer, but nuts also help keep blood sugar levels normal.

4. Cereals
The breakfast menu is healthy and tasty cereal or oatmeal. Contains high fiber and a source of energy to start the day. Eating cereal is not only good for diabetics but also good for your heart ksehatan.

5. Fish
Fish is a source of protein and contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart health, and avoid the bad cholesterol. And usually people with diabetes had higher levels of HDL, 'good cholesterol' in very small amounts.

6. Chicken breast
Chicken breast, is the part that sometimes frequent ditinggalakan people. Though chicken breast is the most free of fat compared to the other parts. So it does not increase the saturated fat in the body.

7. Nuts
Nuts are also sources of protein sources other than vegetable fats that are good for heart health. These fats have even been shown to help reduce insulin resistance and making it easier for blood sugar control. Nuts are also a source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the cells of the eye and also full of fiber and magnesium, both of which can help regulate your blood sugar.

8. Olive Oil
Olive oil has long believed is very good for the heart. Fat content helps reduce the risk of heart disease and has been shown to help maintain stable blood sugar levels by reducing insulin resistance.

9. Yoghurt
Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium. In addition to maintaining a stable weight, yogurt also menyeimbagnkan insulin levels in the body.


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