Tears Could Replace Blood for Blood Sugar Check

 Scientists and doctors continue to work for years to find a painless way to measure blood sugar levels. Now a new study finds the idea of ​​using tears rather than blood.

A sensor developed by researchers from the University of Michigan could detect levels of sugar or glucose in tears. The results are published 9 November in the journal Analytical Chemistry.

In a study conducted on 12 rabbits, the researcher suggests that glucose levels in tears correlated to glucose levels in the blood.

People with diabetes are known to have too much glucose in the blood, which could be due to the pancreas stops producing insulin or the cells in the body that are resistant to insulin. This condition makes the body can not absorb sugar from the bloodstream.

"People with diabetes need to measure many times the blood sugar levels, because its value can change throughout the day," said Dr. George Grunberger of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, as quoted by LiveScience, Friday (11/11/2011).

In this study Jeffrey LaBelle, biomedical engineer from Arizona State University in collaboration with researchers at the Mayo Clinic to develop glucose monitoring technology in tears.

The goal is to make a sensor that can be touched in the white part of the eye for 5 seconds and then pressed into a device that has been designed to read glucose levels. This test may have the advantage of convenience rather than a blood test.

The level of glucose in tears note 30 times lower than in the blood, for that experts are developing sensors that can work very sensitive so it can produce accurate data on a small amount of fluid.

"The main challenge is evaporation, lower concentrations, and glucose including stress responder, which means difficult to get accurate pembacan if the eyes are under stress," says LaBelle.

That requires a very sensitive sensor, and a certain ratio between glucose in blood and tears so that everyone can calibrate the sensor tears to blood glucose levels.


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