"Actually, it only gained health by running for 7.5 hours per day," said Dr. James A Timmons of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Timmons and his colleagues studied 16 men aged 20 years. They were asked menjalanai six sessions of physical exercise. Each session is comprised of the sprint for 6 to 30 seconds, interspersed with four minutes of rest. After resting they are asked to run again. So the total exercise is 17 to 26 seconds.
The exercise was carried out for two weeks. They were also given a sweet solution every day. Apparently they keep blood sugar levels normal. Padalah according laruta penelitia glucose normally raise blood sugar levels above normal.
Timmons recommends that everyone do intensive exercise every day. Besides jogging exercise can also be done is cycling fast or run up the stairs two times a week.
Special people with diabetes aged 20-40 years, it is recommended to increase physical activity gradually under medical supervision. "The key is we better 7.5-minute exercise routine every day instead of running for 30 minutes but only once a year,"